
My thoughts on "TMJ dentists"

My thoughts on "TMJ dentists"

Ok, i'll be honest. TMJ dentists are only a step above palm readers in my book... hahahahaha

My thoughts on "TMJ dentists"

Ok, i'll be honest. TMJ dentists are only a step above palm readers in my book... hahahahaha

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This is a 'generational' problem

This is a 'generational' problem

I lay out why I view that there are four different generations of this biomechanical collapse that you can map any country into

This is a 'generational' problem

I lay out why I view that there are four different generations of this biomechanical collapse that you can map any country into

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My two cents on dental splints

My two cents on dental splints

I spent a decade with dental splints that dentists made me plus lots that I made on my own. Here is what I concluded.

My two cents on dental splints

I spent a decade with dental splints that dentists made me plus lots that I made on my own. Here is what I concluded.

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The Reviv One

The Reviv One

A man-made miracle invention? Or just another rubber mouthguard lol

The Reviv One

A man-made miracle invention? Or just another rubber mouthguard lol

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Why I don't like calling this 'biohacking'

Why I don't like calling this 'biohacking'

This is a process that is hard and takes a long time to get to the end. This is not some hack.

Why I don't like calling this 'biohacking'

This is a process that is hard and takes a long time to get to the end. This is not some hack.

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Why I think Botox is absolutely useless

Why I think Botox is absolutely useless

Lots of folks use Botox for TMJ. But in my view they are wasting their time and perhaps even making things worse.

Why I think Botox is absolutely useless

Lots of folks use Botox for TMJ. But in my view they are wasting their time and perhaps even making things worse.

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