The Reviv One

The Reviv One

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So as part of our product offering is an appliance that we call ‘The Reviv One’.

What is it?

Does it have superpowers?

Or is it just another mouthguard?

Let me break it down for you today.

I have been using a Myobrace A1 since 2015

I got my first Myobrace A1 from a dentist back in late 2015. I was going to start ALF treatment a little while later and he told me to wear it till I started with the ALF.

And so I began wearing it at night and a bit during the day.

I noticed that it was pretty painful at the start. As if it was rubbing against the inside of my mouth. So i took some breaks to let the soft tissue heal, but then popped it back in.

And eventually it got more and more comfortable. Which is what you hear from a lot of folks that wear rubber appliances like the Myobrace.

I also noticed other improvements like my complexion and non-physical things like my energy and mood as I continued to wear it longer.

I still hadn’t put together the whole puzzle of how these biomechanics worked back then, but it laid some important clues that I remembered later on.

I have tried many other rubber appliances since then

It’s important to note that I’ve tried many rubber appliances since 2015. I probably bought 30–40 of them from Aliexpress and used them not just on myself but also for my son and wife over the years.

I think i’d bought almost all the Myobrace appliances for adults like the A2, A3, i3 (for class 3), etc.

And in 2018–19 I was also using the OSB a fair bit. The OSB (pictured above) is part of the French, Soulet Besombes, method, which you can read more about in this post:

What I concluded from all these experiments was that the appliance didn’t matter much. I progressed plus/minus the same with all of them.

The only real difference between them was comfort

Some of the appliances were a bit easier to wear than others. For example the Myobrace A1 and the OSB were my favorites in terms of comfort.

They were also a bit more expensive, but something about the design and the thickness made them more comfortable to wear.

But did they work faster?

Not really.

Some folks ask me about the positioning of the various Myobrace appliances as they are supposed to have different functional purposes.

Let me state publicly that I think this is all complete and utter bullshit.

It is marketing bogus.

All of those appliances work because of the same exact mechanics which is that they add vertical and unlock the occlusion, thereby stretching the soft tissue.

And I am very sure that if they were to do a controlled test…they would find this to be 100% true. But they are instead optimizing for profits

So when I selected the Reviv One, I optimized for comfort

When I was looking for the right appliance to select as the Reviv One, I basically looked for something that was comfortable and resembled the Myobrace A1.

I sampled many for a number of months before I finally decided on one.

And when I finally on the appliance that would become the Reviv One I wore it for a number of nights myself to see if it would function more or less like the Myobrace A1 that I had used for years.

What I concluded was that it was very similar but even a bit more aggressive on how it stretched the soft tissue. Perhaps relating to the materials that it is made of.

It will anyway be difficult to wear at the start for most folks

This is very important to note. For most folks… if you have TMJ issues and symptoms and have NOT worn a rubber appliance like this in the past… then it will most likely be quite difficult for you at the start.

I generally find that the more screwed up you are, the harder it will be to wear.

And so people with good structure who i’ve seen try a Myobrace in the past, generally found it pretty easy. Whereas others that had issues did not.

Also, you will most likely feel sore and feel like it rubs against your mouth.


This is how it stretches the soft tissue of your mouth.

The trick is to stick with it

You might have parts of the inside of your mouth or gums turn red and light up in pain. This is normal.

You can take a break from it till the skin is less sensitive and then pop it back in.

Keep doing this each day for weeks. It will get easier! Trust me.

Then the pain might go away and you can wear it comfortably for awhile.. till one day it might feel painful again.

Just repeat the same process.

It is stretching soft tissue. The pain you feel is the soft tissue and it is part of the healing process in my experience.

Not just my experience, but you can read the experiences of hundreds of people that have used the Myobrace before. And you will see the same.

So when are you done?

You will probably benefit from wearing this rubber appliance for several years. Just keep wearing it and you should start to see your dental arches expand and your teeth get straighter.

This picture above is from a person that was in my TMJ facebook group back in 2017–18 and wore a Myobrace.

See how much the upper arch changed after just 9 months of consistently wearing this thing!

Basically you should continue wearing the appliance until your arches have a nice form like the ones on the right side. Plus you should be able to dab a stick anywhere in your mouth, including under your tongue, and there should be no pain.

I call this ‘the stick test’. And any pain in the soft tissue of the mouth you feel means that you are not done. Because there is still soft tissue that is fucked up.

Want to join my program?

If you want to purchase the Reviv One and join my group you can do so here:

Note that it costs $99 and includes:

The Reviv One delivered to your home for free (usually within 7–10 days)
One year of access to my Skool community, which includes 60+ videos I have filmed. Basically a brain dump of everything i’ve learned the past decade. Plus i’m filming and uploading more each week.
Access to the community forum where you can meet others doing it and post questions, which I try to always answer quickly.
I give you a diary template that I encourage you to update a few times a week with what you feel, questions you have, etc. I review and comment on everyone’s diary at least once per week.
And finally direct access to me via the Skool messaging system, which I’m quite responsive on.
The difference in my program is that I’m in this with you long-term… not because i’m going to make more money off of you. But rather because I want to bring you results.

The results that many of you thought were never possible after being screwed over by dentists so many times.

What motivates me?

Simple. I wanna help change the world.

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