The "Crushed Box" Theory

The "Crushed Box" Theory

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Imagine an empty box. Now imagine pushing it against a wall hard until it starts to get crushed and the walls cave in.

As you continue doing this the box will take on a distorted shape. Kind of like the above box.

What would happen if there were things inside the box? Well, they’d also get crushed at some point.

Now imagine this is not a box but your face. And the empty box before you crushed it was your skull and face if you had developed according to your genetic programming.

But the crushed box is what happened because of misdevelopment due to lack of proper dental development.

This to me is almost the perfect metaphor for what happens to humans. And today I will explain why.

There is nothing genetic about having a well developed face and skull

I remember talking to a dentist some years back that took a lot of scans of his patients. He particuarly showed me the ones that had done orthodontics (braces, invisalign, etc.).

The bone density of these orthodontic patients was horrible. In some parts of their skull it looked like there was barely more than a thin layer of bone left.

And then I remember doing some research on the bone density of our ancestors. They had huge, symmetric skulls with amazing bone density. Like these skulls above.

Crooked teeth did not exist for them.

Teeth were straight with wide arches by default. Wisdom teeth always came in just fine. This is what you will see in the fossils.

Why? Because there is nothing genetic to it. Even now, I am very confident that we ALL have wide, symmetric skulls with straight teeth and wide arches in our genetics by default.

So why don’t things pan out that way?

Shark Teeth | Great Grins for KIDS | Portland, OR

The reason it isn’t achieved is rootcaused in dental misdevelopment
By dental misdevelopment I mainly mean that your teeth never properly develop. Which is essentially a function of two main things:

1- The teeth never extruded to their proper height

2- The arches never developed to their proper width

If these two things happen I am quite confident that any human, regardless of genetics, will be beautiful by default.

Why do these two things above happen? Well that is a much longer discussion and not one that I claim to have all the answers to.

There are many things that I think play a role like:

  1. Our western diet and the impact of sugar (eg. Weston Price)
  2. Mothers having children later in life and thus wearing down their teeth and twisting their body more before childbirth
  3. A mother without correct proportions damaging her child before and during birth.
  4. Plus it gets worse with every generation (link to my article about this)

The honest truth is I think its multifactorial and I don’t have the answer.

But also… I don’t really care to know the answer because it almost doesn’t matter as long as you know how to fix it. More on this later.

Damaged box Stock Photos, Royalty Free Damaged box Images | Depositphotos

This of course impairs function

So if your entire skull is a bit crushed like the box above and there is valuable stuff inside like your brain… will this impact function?

Of course!!!!

It will impact cognitive and neurological function. It will negatively affect how hormones are produced in the body. And it will affect stuff like breathing.

A friend was talking with me recently and explaining how he has a deviated nasal septum and so wears breathing strips like Alex Hormozi.

The Surprising Reason Behind Alex Hormozi's Nose Strips | Medium

Deviated septums are very common. And they are in my view a great example of this ‘crushed box’.

The whole front of the face has been slightly crushed so is that gonna impact the airway?

Of course it is.

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The way to fix function is by first fixing the ‘crushed box’

To understand all of the things that have happened to the skull in creating this ‘crushed box’ is extremely complex. And I basically do not even try to understand that.

Because I view that it’s a waste of time to.

All you need to know is how to ‘un-crush’ the box. And lucky for us.. that part is very simple.

You simply use these biomechanics I talk about.

And eventually the dimension and symmetry starts to return to the skull.

At some point you will even see this on your face on almost a daily basis. Each morning these days I wake up and i see lines in the corner of my eyes where the face is getting its dimension and edges back.

This is the shit that I was noticing back in ~2016 when i figured this shit out the first time. And its the shit that blew me away.

Does this sound crazy?

To a lot of people this stuff probably sounds crazy. But put on your Elon Musk ‘first principles’ hat and think purely about the logic and the data.

Does what I am saying coincide with what we actually see happening? In my view it does.

Are the explanations that modern medicine gives for this stuff more or less logical than what I have written above?

I’ll let you be the judge.

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