My bite is uneven... will a mouthguard help?

My bite is uneven... will a mouthguard help?

This is another one i get lately… Does Reviv fix an assymetric bite?

And again my answer is yes.

And today i’ll explain why.

Why is my bite uneven? Will mewing make it worse?

This is a common question. Does Reviv help fix an asymmetric bite?

The answer is yes.

And today, I’ll explain why.

What is an uneven bite?

An uneven bite occurs when the teeth don’t align properly. When this happens, the jaw rarely opens in a straight line. Instead, it tends to shift to one side, which is often linked to soft tissue imbalances and possibly TMJ misalignment.

Orthodontists often recommend braces to straighten everything out. However, this approach doesn’t address the underlying skeletal and soft tissue issues, potentially making the problem worse.

Understanding bite asymmetry

In the past, I used to think asymmetry resulted from one side collapsing. For instance, in certain pictures, it appears as if one side has lost structural support, leading to a tilted smile.

This idea was once supported by Starecta, which suggested that bite asymmetry comes from lost dental height. Following this logic, I tried propping up the collapsed side, thinking it would restore balance—like adjusting a seesaw.

However, after extensive experimentation, I realized that’s not how it works.

The skull and the deflating balloon analogy

The best way to describe how an uneven bite works is by comparing it to a deflating balloon. When a balloon deflates unevenly, simply propping up the lower side doesn’t restore symmetry. Instead, the entire balloon needs to reinflate.

Similarly, correcting an uneven bite requires inflating the skull rather than merely supporting one side.

How inflating the skull corrects an uneven bite

Through years of personal experience correcting my own skull collapse, I found that using Reviv helps stretch the soft tissue around the skull. This gradual expansion allows the cranial bones to shift into a more symmetrical position.

As I’ve practiced this daily for years, I’ve felt my skin stretching—especially on my forehead, scalp, cheeks, and jaw. The only logical explanation for this is expansion.

With this expansion, my bite naturally became more symmetrical. This isn’t just a theory—I’ve observed it happening firsthand. But the process takes time.

My experiment with polymorph clip-ons

In 2022, I experimented for six months with polymorph clip-ons—custom-made mini splints created from moldable plastic. These clip-ons hardened after cooling and provided additional support to my teeth.

However, I noticed something interesting: it was difficult to create even support on both sides. Instead, my upper teeth always made contact with just one side.

Rather than forcing symmetry, I decided to wear the clip-on on only one side. Surprisingly, instead of worsening the asymmetry, my bite and posture kept improving.

To test further, I switched the clip-on to the opposite side—but the results were the same. This experiment led me to conclude that the key to correcting asymmetry isn’t balancing both sides like a seesaw but rather applying consistent vertical support.

What about NTI-tss splints?

I also tested the NTI-tss splint, which focuses on the front teeth instead of the back molars. Contrary to my earlier belief in a “molar lever,” I found that supporting the front teeth worked just as well.

This led me to two key rules for inflating the skull:

1. Increase vertical height
2. Avoid locking the occlusion

These discoveries came from trial and error on my own skull and teeth.

Final thoughts

Since the skull naturally inflates, the best way to correct asymmetry is to help it expand.

That’s exactly what a simple mouthguard like Reviv One does—without the need for braces or expensive surgeries.

Many people have fallen into the trap of invasive treatments, only to regret it later. Instead, patience and commitment to the biomechanical process of mouthguard use and stretching will yield lasting results.

And just like the little pig who built his house out of bricks, your patience will pay off in the long run. 😊

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