How to solve the problem?

How to solve the problem?

The thing folks are typically most interested in is… well, how do you solve the problem?

And by ‘problem’, this can have a variety of meanings depending on the situation you are in. For example:

  1. Some folks have severe tmj issues
  2. Some folks have spinal issues
  3. Some folks have neurological conditions
  4. Some folks just want to improve their energy and focus
  5. Some folks want to look younger and have a better body
  6. etc

And it sounds almost too good to be true… but what I lay out here applies to all of these problems above. It will work on all of them.

But you need to be patient.

First let’s set the context

I talked about the ‘balloon’ analogy in this post and if you haven’t read that yet, then i recommend you read that first. As that is the foundation to what I am about to say.

In this post I described how ‘dental height’ is key to keeping the jaw separated from the skull. And the loss of dental height ‘deflates’ the balloon, which collapses the soft tissue of the skull thus crushing everything inside.

It’s important to also note that the soft tissue that deflates is not just your skull but rather the soft tissue covering your entire body. And this ends up twisting the spine, all the limbs, etc.

Literally everything in the body gets impacted and my hypothesis is that this is at the root cause of pretty much all disease (which of course sounds crazy…but more on that later).

So if the problem is a lack of dental height than obvious if it’s a physics problem you need to add more height.


The two basic physics to correcting the problem

So after literally a decade of constantly experimenting on this… I have boiled it down to just two main things:

Physics 1 - You need to artificially add dental height somehow

Physics 2 - You need to ‘unlock’ the occlusion

I’ll now dive deeper into these two things.


Physics 1: You need to artificially add dental height somehow

There are many ways to add dental height. But I will go through the three main types here:

Option 1: A dental splint fitted to the teeth

By this I mean an appliance like the one that you see below that is made in a dental lab and is fitted to your teeth.

You can either get these via your dentist or a mail order company like JS Dental Lab (below).

It needs to be flat on top so that it doesn’t lock a fixed bite position. Dentists call this a ‘flat plane’ splint.

The benefit is that it is durable and you can wear them during the day and night. Because you can talk with it in.

The downside is that it’s a bit more expensive than this next option.


Option 2: A removable rubber appliance (eg. Reviv One, Myobrace)

The second type is a removable appliance like our Reviv One appliance. We sell this appliance as part of our package that includes access to our content/community for $100 here

Reviv One appliance

The Reviv One is very similar to the Myobrace A1, which i’d used for many years since 2015.

You can get a Myobrace from your dentist or you can order them online (eg. here it is on Aliexpress for $115).

Is a Reviv One better or worse than a Myobrace A1? I will honestly say that I don’t think there is any real difference in how fast either work.

The key is just comfort and so with the Reviv One I tried to find an appliance that is comfortable.

The upside of a rubber appliance is that it is thicker and I believe it works a bit faster than a dental splint. Plus you can get them pretty inexpensively online.

The downside of this is that you can’t wear it much during the day because you cannot talk with it in.


Option 3: Add height permanently to the teeth

This means that you add dental composite directly on your teeth via a dentist.

Now this will be very difficult to do in most countries because for example US dentists do not just do whatever you ask them.

And they will think that you are mad if you just ask them to do this.

Whereas here in Thailand I have a few dentists that I use who do this with almost no questions asked and at a very affordable price.

I, myself, do not use this method but rather I put composite on my kid’s teeth three years ago. Now he is 10 years old.

And i’ve had a couple of folks in my test group do this (one is an elderly male).

The benefit is that it is working 24-7 since you can’t take it out of your mouth. Plus it is great for kids, who typically hate wearing something like a Myobrace.

The downsides are the difficulty of finding someone to do it for you plus the fact that you will need to top it up regularly (often 3-6 months).



Physics 2: You need to ‘unlock’ the occlusion

The 2nd set of physics is that you cannot have your upper and lower teeth come together in a fixed position.

Meaning that when you close your mouth, the jaw should be able to slide in any direction without teeth locking it in a fixed position.

Note that in a healthy, normal mouth, there will always be a locking occlusion because the upper and lower teeth were designed to come together in a fixed position.

But the problem is that by locking an occlusion you are preventing/impeding the 3-dimensional change that will be triggered by adding the dental height.

You see, the skull and your jaw will be changing in 3 dimensions, which is hard to even picture.

Your dental arches are getting wider, the bones of your skull are moving outwards and will change position in relation to one another, and the angle of the skull sitting on the neck is evolving because of the changes happening to your spine.

So you need to allow this process to occur without locking a set position.


Note that this is different from some other well known schools of thought

I know that a number of other schools of thought believe very much in a ‘locking’ position. For example I did Starecta for years starting in 2014 and am very grateful to have found them. And they believe in a locking occlusion.

So does my old friend Marcello, who some of you may know. He used to speak about a ‘lingual’ bite back in 2016-18.

I’ve experimented on myself with both of these hypotheses for years. I don’t agree.

And i’ll just leave it at that.


Have others done this besides me?

I’ve had over twenty people start this method over the past few years and have run a semi-official ‘test group’ ever since early 2023.

Also I am using this on my own son (3 years ago), my wife (2 years ago), my dad (coming up on 1 yr) and several close friends.

So it is safe to assume that if I am using these principles on my own son (who is 10)… i am pretty damn certain that they work.

And my son has evolved wonderfully since start this process. His arches have widened significantly, his mouthbreathing stopped, his sleeping went from crap to great, etc.

I will write a detailed post about the results of this test group later on… but my teaser is that I’ve fixed brain fog in two folks, fixed years-long spine issues in a couple, etc.


What you will experience when you start

I like to tell folks that everyone’s experience is slightly different, but typically with a few commonalities.

You will likely get some headaches and this is a good thing. Because it reflects the fact that the skull is expanding outwards and afterwards you will typically feel better/clearer.

I know one lady that had near migraines almost every day for months.

I, myself, about a year ago had a headache that lasted 72+ hours. It did not even stop when I went to bed.

And it was so bad that all i could do the entire time was lay on my bed and watch Netflix as it was impossible to concentrate.

Also the body will feel changes/releasing. And this is a bit different for everyone.


This takes a long time

I like to stress this with everyone that starts. Progress is measured in months and years, not days.

I have been using the same physics with only slight improvements for over three years and I am still not done. I hope to be done by end of this year.

Plus I am using a method that is probably on the order of 10-20x faster than the approaches mentioned above because I have some special acceleration stretches that I use (more on that in the next section).

So do not expect to see or feel radical changes immediately. But rather stick with it and over months you should start to feel and look healthier.


I have a faster way that I do not teach

Now a lot of you might be thinking… “Ken…. why do you make a big deal about your approach when at the end of the day all you need to do is wear something like a myobrace. Myobrace and nightguards like it have been used for decades by lots of folks.”

And in one sense you would be totally right. The people that are doing this would be making gradual improvements all of that time.

And i’ve seen and heard some wonderful stories of just that.

But what I have learned to do over the years is a series of exercises that are not intuitive (ie. it would be very difficult for you to figure out on your own), which accelerate the process on the order of 10-20x.

And more importantly it enables you to continuously (ie. daily) break through the skin of the scalp and face.

I’ve used rubber appliances for almost a decade and I know their limitations. I have never been able to break through the skin/soft tissue the way I do with my stretches. Because with rubber appliances things plateau at some point, but usually after a year or so.

And unless you know the fast way, you don’t break through the plateau, and you never take this thing to its absolute ‘end’ (a perfect body, perfectly symmetrical face, and perfect health regardless of age, diet, exercise, or genetics).

Which in turn means you don’t see just how deep this goes.

I’ve taken this stuff to its absolute ‘end’ at least once years ago… and am about to re-do it again.

And it’s the only reason I can say with confidence that this stuff will change the world massively. Please do quote me on that ;)

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