Happiness is probably about 90% physical
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Now onto the article…
How many philosophers and various types of scientists have pondered over the years the question ‘what is happiness?’
I don’t know how many but sufficed to say it’s a lot.
And to think that I could have saved them all of that time. hahaha
Because I had found out the answer.
Happiness is about 90% physical.
And today i’ll discuss how I had arrived at that conclusion.
For the past couple years I would say i’m happy pretty much 24-7
Now this sounds like BS… I know.
10-20 years ago if I heard someone say this I would have just plain out thought they were full of shit.
But having felt like this for awhile now, I know for a fact I am not lying and that it is very much possible. My wife and kid would even vouch for it.
Particularly my wife… because it drives her nuts. LOL
I’m just never sad. Never depressed. At least not for more than a few minutes.
Then whatever it is that I was unhappy about seems to vanish and i’m happy again.
Let me be clear… I think this happiness is completely ‘chemical’
By ‘chemical’ I do not mean I am drinking alcohol or drugs. I am not doing either.
As i’ve stated in the past I drink an average of like one beer every 3-4 weeks. Which is to say… I barely drink at all.
But rather with the jaw stretches I do (ie. the fast way of doing this biomechanical process) I just feel like there are these hormones racing through my blood all the time.
Hormones that almost force me to be happy and energized.
I do think when I finally finish my process that this will settle down and i will no longer be on this ‘constant happiness mode’. But for now I’m enjoying it.
And let me point out that it is not pure happiness. It is more like happiness mixed with ‘whackiness’. Meaning I often feel immature as if i’m a kid again.
Also, sometimes it is happiness mixed with aggressiveness.
But that is also a bit weird.. even when i’m aggressive i seem to be happy. I could be arguing with someone online saying harsh shit… and be laughing my ass off in my office as i do it.
Can you be happy and aggressive at the same time?
I didn’t really think so. But now I do. LOL
But this has taught me that happiness is almost completely ‘physical’
Think about it… i’m happy pretty much all the fucking time. Regardless of the shit that happens to me.
And trust me… shit does happen. Just like with anyone else.
Bad things happen at work or to a friend and I’ll feel down. But only for a very fleeting period of time. Than i’m back on happyland.
It’s kinda like being on laughing gas and trying to feel down. You’re gonna really have to try. And even then, its not gonna last long.
I was not like this before
This feeling of constant happiness is perhaps about two years old. Maybe even less.
Back in mid-2021 I was definitely not like this. I know because I started a mental health therapy business, Therapada. In part because I was not feeling all that great myself.
I was recovering from feeling like my health had been absolutely rocked (in a negative way) back in 2020 (when I’d had an open posterior bite for an extended number of months).
And so in 2021 and into 2022 I really enjoyed talking with a therapist from time to time. I was my company’s best client.
There was some deep stuff coming out in some of those sessions.
The turning point was in 2022
But by late 2022 I remember feeling this transition to happyland. I still had some sessions but i’d be joking with the therapist most of the time. Or just spend the whole session telling them about how I thought this biomechanical stuff was going to change the world.
Hahaha yes… I love talking about this shit with people that have to listen to me. Mainly because my immediate family can no longer take it… hahahaha
And after awhile I realized it probably didn’t make sense to spend money on therapy sessions when I felt happy all of the time. So I stopped.
I also lost my motivation for running Therapada after this. Because I realized inside it felt false.
I’d learned with my own experience that I thought therapy was bullshit. Why do therapy when I was now convinced everything had a physical root cause, which I knew how to solve?